Greenwich bar may be forced to cut opening hours
A bar on Trafalgar Road in Greenwich may be forced to cut opening hours after complaints.
Angle Ninety has seen resident complaints about noise and vehicles parked poorly around the site. The business had previously been fined £1,000 for lockdown breaches during covid.
Greenwich Council claimed to have given advice on a number of occasions in a long list of incidents seen in a report here: “The Licensing Team subsequently visited the premises on several ad-hoc occasions, informing the operators of the complaints and advising on what could, and needed, to be done to address them.

“These visits appeared to have little effect, with complaints of noise and antisocial behaviour still being received from residents both in the roads opposite the front and at the rear of the premises.”
One letter states that a Greenwich Council Officer attended the premises and a manager became “quite aggressive” towards them. Door staff were also reluctant to let licensing staff on site on one occasion.
It’s also claimed that after being told to only operate until 2am, a recent event continued past that time. Other incidents are reported at various times.
The venue opened in 2020. The council’s report states that shortly afterwards “in the early hours of 31st August 2020 an incident occurred in Christchurch Way opposite the premises whereby a firearm was allegedly discharged.
“Whilst not being directly attributable to the premises, it was noted by the Police investigation that at least one of the parties involved had been using the premises immediately before the incident and that the premises was open beyond its permitted hours and the Premises Licence Holders were warned about their future operations”.
The authority are now proposing to restrict opening times to midnight “on the days Monday to Saturday (as was the case prior to the variation being granted)” with a “sound limiting device is installed and used by the premises during operating hours and that the last permitted entry to the premises on the days Monday to Saturday be 23:30 hours”.
A decision will be made following a meeting next week.
Incredible this place still has its license at all, completely unsuitable for the area and the less said about the behaviour of the patrons (and their supply drivers) the better.