TfL confirm order of 11 further Docklands Light Railway trains

Transport for London have confirmed an expanded order for Docklands Light Railway trains.

The network will now see 54 new trains in total entering service from 2024.

An order for 43 trains has long been in place, with the option for a further 11 dependent on agreement from central government.

New DLR trains due to enter service from 2024

That took some time to gain achieve after initially being agreed in 2019, though in recent months TfL reports had stated that it was in place with funds coming from the Housing Infrastructure Fund.

Today they’ve put out a press release regarding the expanded order. It also states that two trains are currently testing. Upon introduction passengers will enjoy air con, USB sockets and walk-through trains with an increase in capacity.

There are however fewer seats to enable enhancements in capacity.


Extra trains will also permit enhanced service levels.

The oldest stock still running, which is now 30 years old, will be disposed.

30 year old stock to be leave

The Docklands Light Railway network serves areas of the capital in line for large growth included Lewisham, Woolwich, Stratford and Canary Wharf.

Tower beside Stratford International station now underway

Just yesterday this site covered work beginning on the first homes of an eventual 6,000 at Silvertown Quays.

800 homes at Deanston Wharf opposite Silvertown Quays are also near complete. Many other plots are due to be developed in the area.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

3 thoughts on “TfL confirm order of 11 further Docklands Light Railway trains

  • Good news, shame about SE region being so poorly considered in comparison though, with staffing station cuts, service cuts, time changes causing large gaps, new stock delays (and second hand even then). When u say fewer seats, make that ‘hardly any seats’ going by your pic John? Not so good for older, those expecting child and less able users. Will they intend marking any of these seats as preferential use for those do u know? Would likely need all of those shown haha. Putting the seat manufacturers out of business, just as upholsterers on train seats did years ago, while car seats become more comfortable! Went on heritage line in Somerset week or so ago, and reminds me of how thick the seat padding used to be on my old commutes into London. Piles sufferers prob have a nightmare now 🙂

  • So exciting 🕺 Will be great to have new trains and more frequent service.

  • I think that 54 brand new DLR trains as suppose to 43 is a good idea and I would like to see these new DLR trains entering service in 2025.


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