Detailed plans now in for Greenwich towers

Developer Knight Dragon have submitted detailed plans for two towers near the o2 in Greenwich.

Reserved matters have gone in showing tower designs at two plots to the west of North Greenwich tube and bus station.

Location of plots in red beside o2

The plots, name 1.02 and 1.03 of the overall masterplan, would see 866 homes just north of the Blackwall tunnel portal.

The Magazine venue and golf range are also close by.

All plots form part of the larger Meridian Quays district. Recent revisions to the masterplan take total homes across Knight Dragon plots to more than 17,000.

Electric car. Cycles. Not pictured are new road tunnel and dismal pedestrian and cycling links nearby

A rather drab colour scheme appears to be evident. Lots of greys and beige. Of course all renders present the site on a lovely summer’s day.

This being Knight Dragon, even when approved work starting can be far from guaranteed given their glacial progress for years across the Peninsula.

Twenty five years after the Millennium Done was beginning in earnest, most of the Peninsula is still vast areas of parking.

Probably best to not bother walking to nearby areas given upkeep in the area

There’s some minimal public realm improvements planned linking the site to the tube. Not much evident to connect to other parts of Greenwich either via the dismal pedestrian crossing over the A102 or along the Thames Path.

The planning application can be viewed here.


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Many thanks

J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    One thought on “Detailed plans now in for Greenwich towers

    • The new towers are pretty much in line with what is being built around the rest of the Borough of Greenwich. Developers need to work closely with Greenwich Council to improve public realm and public access including improvements to pavements lighting and making the areas more safer and attractive.
      That said when money is provided by developers to the council the money is used (or wasted) elsewhere and not spent on the projects it was provided for.


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