Revised plan for Catford tower on retail park unveiled
Barratt homes have revealed changes to the plan for 600 homes and shops in Catford town centre.
The developer is embarking on a consultation event this week after cancelling plans after the Queen’s death.
A new event is to be held this coming Saturday 24th September 24th Corbett Community Library on Torridon Road between 10AM-2PM.
The tallest block has been revised up to 23 floors in height while surrounding blocks are reduced.
Green space along Sangley Road would remain.
Lidl and McDonalds would be demolished.
Plans include a new square within the centre of the site with commercial space including shops lining pedestrian routes.
A block on an adjacent site was also approved in 2021.
Catford is also due to see substantial works undertaken on the town centre one-way system which includes the South Circular.
Mind you, Lewisham announced funds four and a half years ago and little has happened since.
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