Will Crossrail be open in less than two months?

It’s been an open secret for some time within Transport for London that a 6th March opening date for Crossrail has been the goal over recent months.

With less than two months now until that date, is it feasible?

Well, it looks like it may be doable, but could well hamper testing for future full capacity for up to 24trains per hour once all branches to Shenfield, reading and Heathrow run though the core.

Walkway to Canary Wharf station

Given current low passenger numbers, would TfL want to open in March, carry few passengers and hamper long term reliability even if they are in a position to open?

It’s a decision that won’t be taken lightly, and they may deem it better to play it safe and wait until May. That would still meet the latest public date of the first half of 2022.

Politics will also play a part with a March opening possibly being used to distract from an expected 4.8 per cent fare rise. The Department for Transport may well seek that month and push for it in the next funding agreement.

Trains and signalling

It appears that train software upgrades have gone well with first the ELR100 update then the smaller ELR110 update last month.

Train reliability of the Class 345 still isn’t that good, so that’s another factor to weigh up.

Elizabeth Line trains have been extended from 7 to 9-car on stretch between Shenfield and Liverpool Street

Further details on Abbey Wood, Canary Wharf and Bond Street stations are also expected soon as they are not ready as of today.

With less than two months until that 6th March target and the next funding agreement due in February, we should find out the latest state of play soon.


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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

6 thoughts on “Will Crossrail be open in less than two months?

  • Does anyone know where we can find the length of the journies?

  • Have you tried google?

    @John Smith: I wouldn’t leg it down to Ladbrokes to place any bets. Really, opening dates have come and gone and this latest might prove to be just as false as all the others.

  • I hope they go for early March as the other branches are basically rubbing already but under a tfl rail flag where as Abbey wood and Woolwich will be transformed. I wonder if there will be a night tube equivalent too

  • Mave I emailed them the same question as their journey time calculator had been removed from the Crossrail website some time ago and got this reply from TFL…

    ‘The Elizabeth line Journey Time Calculator was removed from the Crossrail website.

    We have been advised that an amended version will be made available on the TfL website, once more accurate timings are available.’


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