Bird’s Nest pub in Deptford in line for rebuild

The owner of popular Bird’s Nest pub in Deptford has revealed plans to construct a new development while retaining the frontage of the pub.

Changes include the addition of a mansard roof above the pub building and new builds along Creekside bringing 31 homes.

Upper floors of the building are currently used as a hostel.

The consultation claims that “the proposal seeks to replace and enhance the existing commercial space currently provided by containers with high quality flexible workspace at ground floor level 2 for existing commercial tenants and to attract new creative industries to the area.”

They state “the existing pub has a great character and is highly valued in the local area; however, it is too small to function as a commercially viable entity”. A rebuilt and expanded pub space is included in plans, with temporary relation to the double decker bus next door mooted.

The wider area has seen substantial change in recent years. Two developments are ongoing in the near area, including the Tidemill site approved in 2017.

Taken from passing DLR

Upon completion more than 200 homes will be built:

Render of completed Tidemill scheme

Directly opposite the Bird’s Nest is a 56-home development:

Further north along Creekside there are plans for a tower next to Trinity Laban:

Tower plan beside Trinity Laban

Artworks Creekside are behind the proposal, and state they will work with houseboat owners behind the pub.

Overview of area

The level of development in the area ensures an upgrade to public realm is much needed. A dual carriageway and street clutter dominate the current space:

Extensive road closures for the Tideway Tunnel are in place to the north alongside HGVs which may render improvements works in the near term unlikely, but beyond that the influx of development and pedestrian footfall ensures the current space needs improving.

Click here to view and comment on the consultation.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

2 thoughts on “Bird’s Nest pub in Deptford in line for rebuild

  • It seems like a very constricted site, but I only ever see the pub from a bus. However, the ‘overview’ shows there is more than meets the eye. My worry is that the rebuilt commercial spaces will not be affordable to the existing tenants and those who can affford to pay, will not gel with the community.

  • This proposal will destroy the Bird’s Nest as a live music venue and important part of the community and replace it with luxury apartments and a gentrified restaurant-pub. The developer brand-naming themselves ‘Artworks’ is particularly distasteful; considering they’re in the business of erasing the cultural life of the area to convert it into real estate capital.


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