Greenwich borough to see 83 electric car charging points
This isn’t new news though it popped up on the council’s website and so worth a post, as money is set to be spent on electric car charging points across the borough if if I’ve read it correctly.
A total of 83 points are planned.
Various bodies are involved with funding. The council were offered £146,700 in funding from the Go Ultra Low City Scheme. That was to be matched funded, with TfL providing £35,000. Their financial problems have hampered progress.
The report states that the “Sharing Cities project is expected to contribute further match funding of £70,000 (subject to final confirmation from EU funders, to allow unspent funding from previous work in this area to be re-allocated for this purpose)”
The total of 83 isn’t set in stone, as the report continues: “In total it is anticipated this will allow the delivery of up to 83 lamppost charging points, although the final number will depend on the details of the work required at the sites in question (with some sites requiring more work, at a greater cost) and the confirmation of the additional match funding”.
Running a site alone takes time and a fair bit of money. Adverts are far from enough to cover it and my living costs as a private renter.
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Shame the consultation closed so long ago as it would have been good to have sent suggestions as I didn’t look at EVs until after closure of the survey, or review what their current proposals are. I and other new owners have contacted the council with proposals and linked to the closed survey – no response.
The linked document is very vague, merely saying that individuals and businesses will be consulted before they are installed.
there needs to be a higher push on ev’s charging points, a lot of people in the south east of london work and do business in kent which is too sparcly populated for any real good bus a train links it’ll go a long way reducing emissions and air quality.