Teenage boy, aged 14, stabbed in Woolwich

Further details are emerging of events in Woolwich on Sunday night as it’s revealed that a 14 year old boy suffered a stab wound and 30 arrested in disorder across the town centre.

Four officers were also injured, while a man suffering a suspected heart attack had fireworks launched towards him.

Large numbers gathered in the town on Sunday as on previous nights this year, and also seen in the last few years when disorder followed.

Parry Place was near one hotspot

This site has had messages from locals worried it’s affecting their business and others stating they now feel unsafe visiting the area or walking home.

Greenwich councillor Jackie Smith, Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Enforcement, stated on a council new story: “We have had reports that fireworks were thrown at members of the public including a woman and her two small children and that police officers were attacked while others prevented help being given. At one point, emergency workers were prevented  from helping a man who had a suspected heart attack after a firework was thrown at him too. Even as he received urgent care, people continued to throw fireworks in his direction.” 




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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    3 thoughts on “Teenage boy, aged 14, stabbed in Woolwich

    • According to the Mayor of London, responding to a question put by Siân Berry a year ago, subsidies paid by south east London’s local authorities to ‘buy’ additional police officers for their Basic Command Units are in the lowest three of the twelve BCUs in London.

      The MET’s North East BCU received council subsidies amounting to around £2.5M for extra police.

      Its West Area BCU cashed £3.3M from its boroughs for extra police.

      From our local authorities, i.e. Greenwich & neighbours, the South East BCU received just £0.7M. That’s not many police.

      So policing in SE London is underfunded. No doubt most of the responsibility for this lies with the Conservative government. But some of it also lies with the Royal Borough of Greenwich and its neighbours, who paid £2M less than NE London to fund policing.


    • Time for a lot more sentences in borstal!

    • Absolutely Paul SuperUnknown Our Judges and Magistrates neded to be handing out much toughter sentences.

      To throw fireworks at a man who needs urgent medical attention and a lady with two small childen is the lowest of low and totally unforgivable. As is attacking our emergency services as they go about their work.

      I think their parents of the culprits also need to start being held to account a lot more as they need to take more responsibility for their kids.

      You see younger teenagers out at all hours in and around Woolwich. Anti social behaviour needs to be taken more seriously by the Authorities (Police, Council and the Courts).

      I feel for businesses owners in Woolwich and people living and working in the Woolwich area as the area just continues to get worse day by day.


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