Plumstead pub plan for new homes
Plans are in to part demolish and build new homes beside Plumstead pub Who’d ‘a’ thought it.
The owner initially sought ‘Demolition of existing public house and erection of a three-storey building to provide 9 residential flats and 4 commercial units at
ground floor level’ which was deemed unacceptable by Greenwich Council planners.
That has morphed into five homes either side of the pub building, with certain pub extensions demolished.
The pub dates from around 1845 with extensions around 1880 and then from 1960s either side of the main structure.
According to the application’s heritage statement, it wasn’t originally built as a pub but a beerhouse:
“It is noted that it was not a public house. Beerhouses were smaller and far less elaborate establishments, often no more than a single room or two with a basic frontage, often the front room of the owner’s house.
Following changes to licensing laws in 1830, there was a rise of beerhouses which had more restrictive licences for instance beer could be sold, but only pubs could sell spirits”.
A bit of history repeating given the rise of micropubs in recent years.
Click here to view plans and comment upon proposals.
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Can someone turn the Anglesea Arms in Woolwich into a block of new flats…..?
Whilst the pub could certainly do with some TLC, this puts the future of the pub at risk. It removes the small kitchen facilities and will make evening entertainment problematic with neighbours.
As well as this the character of Timbercroft Lane will change as your view from Plumstead Common will be greeted by characterless modern housing.
The pub has long been a blight on the area. It is an eyesore and the parking situation outside ridiculous. If the pub is retained, which lets face it is highly unlikely, then a micro brewery such as the one in Plumstead Common Road would work better and even thrive provided it radically changes its offering and attracts a new customer base