Deptford Wavelengths swimming pool under threat: Petition launched

A petition has been launched due to uncertainty over whether a swimming pool in Wavelengths leisure centre will reopen.

The centre contains two pools. The fitness pool is due to reopen after upgrade work costing £300,000, but the fate of the leisure pool is unknown.

Lewisham Council state it will cost £700,000 to repair, and the centre has seen losses each year of £400,000.

While leisure centres are struggling nationwide, this leisure centre has the advantage of being located in the midst of a huge number of new homes either being built or due to commence soon with resulting income to Lewisham Council, let alone additional demand for the pool.

New homes bring income from four sources: Section 106 and the Community Infrastructure Levy from developers, New Home Bonus funds from central government and income tax from residents.

Sites nearby

The range of developments within a mile imcludes:

Income from development

That’s 4,250 homes within a short walk. There’s further substantial plots slightly further away such as Deptford Landings, which will see 1,132 homes. That’s 900 metres away.

The latest Lewisham Council S106, CIL and New Homes Bonus report states:

During 2019-20 £4.1 million was secured from signed S106 agreements, £2.2 million S106 funds have been collected and the balance of S106 funds is £43.6 million.

£5.8 million of CIL payments were received in 2019-20, significantly higher than that received last year. The CIL balance is £11.5 million and this is a direct consequence of the number of new homes completed and payments being
triggered when sites commence development. The Council is now allocating 25% of CIL funds to Neighbourhood CIL projects.

The Council’s New Homes Bonus for 2020-21 is approximately £6.2 million.

With so many homes, £700,000 doesn’t seem a particularly onerous amount to find to repair the pool which is a key local asset and community facility.

The petition can be seen here.





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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

5 thoughts on “Deptford Wavelengths swimming pool under threat: Petition launched

  • That’s a lot of homes to build in that area, as if it isn’t crowded enough. Good way to make life hell for the people living there. Some of those plots would have been better used to bring back some of the greenery that has been taken away in the Greenwich borough in recent years, like Tidemill gardens. But the money grabbing developers don’t care one bit about nature or improving people’s mental health.

  • “ bring back some of the greenery that has been taken away in the Greenwich borough in recent years, like Tidemill gardens”

    = Wavelengths, and The Old Tidemill Garden are/ were in Lewisham Borough, they’re nothing to do with Greenwich.

  • Agree with the rest of your sentiments though, and supported The Tidemill Garden campaign.

  • why does it cost that much to fix its a big hole filled with water i dont believe it
    it just another ploy for some bastards to make money while local people suffer

  • “ i dont believe it it’s just another ploy for some bastards to make money while local people suffer”

    = Mears most likely. Two blokes turn up, can’t find the stopcock, then decide to go to Wickes on Blackheath hill for some ‘bits’. Both disappear for 6 hours then decide to call it a day (£700k).


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