Silvertown Tunnel: Campaigners attempt to delay tree removal

Campaigners have been removing markings on trees in Greenwich Peninsula due to be felled for Silvertown Tunnel work.

More than 100 trees are due to be removed for the tunnel, which is strongly supported by the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan and for many years by Greenwich Council.

Peninsula site

A recent application to remove hundreds more trees has been withdrawn – though the terms of approval mean tree removal is a formality. That application came a week after plans to remove another 20 trees were approved.

An application for removal states:

“The Order at Article 18 provides powers to fell or lop any tree or shrub within or overhanging land within the Order limits, or cut back its roots, if it is believed to be necessary to prevent the tree or shrub from obstructing or interfering with the construction, maintenance or operation of the Project.” 

Removing markings

A large number have trees are marked for removal with campaigners removing the crosses.

Trees to be retained need submitting to the local authority: “No part of the authorised development may commence until a written landscaping
scheme for that part has been submitted to and approved to the local authority.”

The tunnel is being constructed by Silverlinx. Tolls are to be applied to Blackwall Tunnel and Silvertown Tunnel.

Current level of traffic compared to future levels. Large increase from 4-6pm forecast

TfL traffic forecasts show an increase in congestion across Greenwich borough post-completion.

Marked for removal

Advocates such as Sadiq Khan never refer to forecasted increase across the evening peak period impacting across Greenwich borough including Blackheath, Kidbrooke and Eltham, instead solely focusing on morning reductions northbound.

Tolling the ferry is on the agenda

There will be no tolls at Rotherhithe Tunnel which threatens adding to congestion in Greenwich and Deptford as traffic heads west to avoid tolls. Greenwich Council have also advocated tolls on the Woolwich ferry if traffic increases there to avoid tolls. That requires legislative change to the Metropolitan Board of Works Act 1885.

It’s not just tree removal that is impacting the area. A new car and coach park is being built on sites earmarked for much needed housing, including a site beside the cable car.



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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

3 thoughts on “Silvertown Tunnel: Campaigners attempt to delay tree removal

  • It seems dangerous to me. The 4 extra lanes from the Silver Town tunnel means 8 lanes merging into the unaltered 4 lanes of the A102 throughout its length in Greenwich Borough. very heavy articulated lorries will be able to cross the river at Greenwich. Imagine the scene at the intersections, Eg Kidbrooke traffic lights at the turning off for the A2, with added local traffic from LTN , online deliveries and the kidbrook development.

  • All expensive traffic schemes should wait until Covid has stabilized. The demands of traffic may be very different in the future. I know the incredibly large company I work for, for nearly all staff, does not intend us to be back in the office full time ever.

  • And yet while welcoming more motorists from all around the country onto the A2/102 Greenwich is shafting it’s local residents by forcing some of them, er, onto the A2/A102 and demonising them in their own locality.
    Some weird joined up thinking here.


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