Woolwich club fined £3,000 after 300-person event held

A club in Woolwich has been fined £3,000 after 300 people were found on site following previous breaches of rules.

The Treff Haus Purple Venue Club at 2 Woolwich New Road was seen on CCTV with large numbers of people leaving the site. Perhaps not the smartest move given how much of Woolwich is covered by cameras. I’ve been to the control room myself and there are a lot of cameras. Then again a lot of iffy things seem permissible in the town so probably thought it’s worth chancing their arm.

Homophobic preachers on Powis Street? No problem.

Parking all over paving installed at high cost as part of multi million pound regeneration each and every day and wardens filmed ignoring it? Go right ahead.

Blocking the path with all your crap outside a shop? Sure thing.

The club got away with it once on 30th October and shock, horror, did the same again on 4th November.

Police were called and 300 people were found to be on site. Social distancing was ignored. There were no arrests.

Greenwich Cllr Jackie Smith, Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Enforcement said: “Our Environmental Health teams will take action to protect the public and ultimately help reduce the spread of the virus.

“Businesses that wilfully operate without regard for the law or the safety of our residents will face fines being imposed.”

However £3,000 may be seen as a worthwhile price if income exceeds that. Particularly as they did it more than once. That’s if the fine is even paid.

It follows breaches at the old Albion pub in Woolwich now called Le Wouri,. They had a £1,000 fine.

There’s also many reports that some shops selling non essential items have stuck some bog roll out, and voila, now essential.


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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

5 thoughts on “Woolwich club fined £3,000 after 300-person event held

  • ‘However £3,000 may be seen as a worthwhile price if income exceeds that. ‘

    That’s if they pay. Apparently non-payment is high with one area having a 75% refusal rate.

    This second lockdown seems to have been widely ignored. A lot of shops that should be closed are not and the volume of traffic is relatively high.

  • A club in Peckham was raided for the second time. 100 people found in the basement.

    The alcohol licence was cancelled which is a far better way of dealing with the problem.

  • Thanks.
    Any news on the stupid big bus lane with cycling lane in Woolwich Road? :/

      • If you mean delaying buses during busy times is working, then yes.


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