Wilko submit application for new Charlton store. Woolwich branch to close
Wilko have submitted further details of their forthcoming store at a Charlton retail park.
The company is looking to open in Unit 9-10 next door to Lidl which began trading earlier this year.

Charlton’s win is Woolwich’s loss as the company will leave Woolwich and close their branch in the town.

The Woolwich site will become a new leisure centre in time and the closure of Waterfront. Wilko’s lease played a role in delaying constructing according to council reports. The authority secured possession of adjacent units in previous years.

During that time Greenwich council documents stated there was a hunt for new shop space in Woolwich for the company. In recent years what would seem suitable space has seen other shops open, as Sports Direct moving into a vacant unit on Hare Street alongside Poundland moving into the former Marks & Spencer.

Nothing came to pass in Woolwich, and there’s little doubt this is a blow for attempts to invigorate the town. It replaces a destination town centre store located directly beside a railway and DLR station plus numerous bus routes with one at a car-orientated retail park – which saw regular queues to exit the car park.

Woolwich still sees many empty smaller units along Powis Street. What the long term future for these unit is remains a mystery. Continued use as small units or knocked together for bigger space?

As I covered earlier this morning, this area will lead to a new square and 620 homes in coming years. Click here to read about that.
Click here to view Wilko plans.
Downtown Woolwich? There isn’t one! Losing Wilco’s is a HUGE blow. The Council thinks Hare Street is such a great location they should build the Leisure Centre there. The Council are such ‘small towners’ in their mentality they should all resign and manage a hotdog stand somewhere out in Kent! With the brain trust that manages Woolwich we should count ourselves lucky that we have a business tax base at all! Incompetent doesn’t begin to describe the way they manage the town!
Wilko is one of my favourite stores in Woolwich and am disappointed it’s leaving to make way for a leisure centre.
I suspect Wilko wanted another site with a car park but no such sites are available (they are all occupied by the big supermarkets: Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Lidl) hence relocating to Chalton.
There is a well used car park behind Wilko. Some of their sales items are too big to be carried on public transport.
Interesting that the Tramshed company moved into old Barclays Bank premises. Presumably they’ll be moving again soon. Here’s hoping the actual Tramshed is listed.
You are right Chris L. Wilko’s do have there own car park behind the store with an entrance from the car park in to the store. However, this entrance is currently only being used to allow people to leave the store. As you have to queue at the main entrance to enter.
The loss of Wilko’s in Woolwich is a major blow to the town and was one of Woolwich most popular stiores.
I also find it interesting that the Tramshed have moved in to the old Barclys Bank site. As I thought the Leisure Centre was going to be from Vincent Road to the original Tramshed Building which I thought was going to remain as part of the plans.unless a new Tramshed Theatre is to be built under the plans ?
With the old Barclays Bank, Pound Shop and Wilko’s all being demolished to make way for the new Leisure Centre on Woolwich New Road.
I have to agree with Paul SuperUnknown. Woolwich has a town centre has been decline for decades. Anti social behaviour still not being tackled by the Council. Planning applicatons sat on for months and months.
With so many new developments in and around Woolwich and the Borough our town centres should have been invested in and revitalized, So they become thriving town centres providing much needed retail jobs. They are are not and remain still very much neglected.Woolwich New Road by Spray Street and Hare Street being a prime examples of this.
I am convinced, some how, someone in RBG is benefitting from the current situation. RBG silence and inability to focus on Woolwich’s decline has to be deliberate. There is no other logical reason for RBG’s wholesale acceptance of the current state of affairs in Woolwich. At this rate there will be no reason to go to Woolwich.
It’s become a joke the amount of times the current administration has referred to Woolwich as a vibrant diverse community as if by saying this the town improves. A mess is a mess. To find a cure RBG has to first admit there is an illness. A concept RBG is just not able to grasp.
To those who work for RBG, reading this, you should feel ashamed that you could not convince Wilko to remain within Woolwich. However, given RBG track record I am inclined to believe RBG did not even try.
Now the only reason to go to Woolwich is for Tesco. As it’s hard to get into the store (the escalators are not always working), I shall end up driving to Charlton with all the adverse environmental impact that has on the borough.
Just so this does not sound as if all complaints and no solution. Has anyone in RBG spoken to the developers, about their plans. They bought a large proportion of woolwich a couple of years ago. You could then use the greenwich newspaper to tell us something useful for a change.
Greenwich Council is quite content to blot the landscape with ugly high rise developments in exchange for s106 receipts and subsequent council tax revenue. Nothing else seems to matter.