Restaurant plan at closed Greenwich newsagent site after housing rejected
An application has been submitted to convert the former Sabo newsagent on Stockwell Street in Greenwich into a restaurant. The newsagent was run by the same family for 94 years until 2019.
A previous application to convert the ground floor to residential use was rejected.
The 18th Century building is locally listed. According to planning documents upper floors are in poor condition. The new plan seeks to use the basement, ground and first floors for restaurant space and office with staff accommodation and wash up/storage at second floor level.

An image for future use shows an Asian restaurant. Whether this is the actual plan or merely indicative is unknown.
Planning history within documents show approval last year for an extension:
Ref: 17/3967/F:
Approved 7th March 2018 Construction of a single storey rear extension with rooftop terrace to ground floor commercial unit and internal alterations to provide private entrance to residential unit above.
Ref 17/2162/F:
In June 2017 Russel + May applied for the change of use of ground
floor A1 (Retail) to C3 (Residential) with internal alterations and new
front elevation, but this was refused on three reasons, all closely related to the loss of the retail space in Greenwich Town Centre protected
Secondary Frontage.
Click here to view plans.
Residential is precisely what Greenwich council needs to consider with empty shop units. I wonder if the applicant is still keen on a restuarant business in light of the lengthy lockdown that is having a disastrous effect on dining out?
I think converting this building to full residential use would have provided some very characterful flats on this site. Which people still like to buy compared to more modern developments. .
If the site is to remain commercial premises on the ground floor I would suggest another news agent/sweet shop or similar business would be a more appropriate use of the site.
Not sure why someone would consider that premises more suitable for a restaurant when next door is a better (former Spread Eagle) – much more open and better space I would have thought!
The landlord or owners should really let them out as it has some real potential and would bring up that part of the area.
Surely some rental income would be better than none?
I agree I think the premises would better suit a newsagents or similar business with the upper floors being coverted to residential in the way of flats or a maisonette.
Surely if a newsagents was still viable, the original business would have been purchased and carry on trading as-is? From what I gleaned from other locals in-the-know, a massive amount of internal restructuring is necessary whatever business is to be run there. Something quirky yet financially viable is best placed to be here I think, so why not a karaoke club?!