Segregated cycle lane to be introduced this year near infamous Greenwich roundabout

After many years of campaigning and numerous hurdles it appears segregated cycle lanes will be installed on approaches to the infamous Angerstein roundabout beneath the Blackwall Tunnel flyover in Greenwich.

Site of proposed project

The area has seen two cyclist fatalities and was due to be part of Cycle Superhighway 4 from Tower Bridge to Woolwich until it was curtailed at Greenwich.

Infamous roundabout beneath flyover

The scope of work is not yet clear. All I have is information passed by someone at Greenwich Council – and even they state numerous plans have previously been postponed – but the latest plan is work beginning in November and listed as “INTRODUCING SEGREGATED CYCLE TRACK – LINE MARKINGS – KERB WORKS”.

As stated with this area and planned work, we’ve been here before. Earlier this year work was provisionally planned for spring in this area and nothing happened so we shouldn’t take this as a given.

Guardrails restrict space for new lanes

That scheme was believed to have been related to TfL’s Local Implementation Plan funds. I covered this fund earlier this year and looked at numerous London borough plans.

Authorities across London top up TfL funds with money from parking income and income derived from new developments. Despite numerous new builds, Greenwich Council’s three year funding plan from 2019/20 allocated less cash towards street improvements than almost every other London council.

New builds on Peninsula have brought much income via numerous funding sources

Has that changed or is this scheme solely funded from TfL which limits scope? We don’t yet know. Earlier this year Greenwich proposed spending no money from parking revenue on street improvements over the next three years whilst Lambeth, for example, were allocating £5 million a year and Southwark £6.5 million. Hammersmith & Fulham was £20 million a year.

Many new developments but few street improvements

It was similar with developer income. Greenwich was £206k over three years. Hammersmith & Fulham, for example, in addition to £20 million parking income annually will spend £9 million from Section 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy each year. Lambeth is £1.2 million.

Greenwich again are near the bottom across London when it comes to developer income – even accounting for Crossrail requirements.

Poor public realm even with welcome new crossings

Another funding pot for the roundabout was announced by Sadiq Khan after TfL removed it from the Better Junctions project – but this project appears too soon for that.

Numerous new developments have not been taken the opportunity to install lanes despite adequate space to do so. This is near Charlton’s recently built shopping park:

Space for segregated cycle lane not used

So then, it’s looking provisionally positive for some improvements but dates and scope have yet to be firmed up. When news arrives it’ll be covered on this site. It’s been a long, long time coming.

I’ve launched a summer funding appeal to help with the site. Click to see how you can help. Any help much appreciated.


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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    6 thoughts on “Segregated cycle lane to be introduced this year near infamous Greenwich roundabout

    • Yeah well we don’t all want it rahnd ere. Cyclists jump the red lights n nearly knock people over on pavements. Iss abahrt time theirn got fined juss like drivers do when they brake the law n all. Ere are go over the foot tunnel n they cycle along floutin the no cyclin rules, they don’t give a damn abahrt the people walkin it.

    • If segregated means a continuous kerb between the cars and the bikes then thats a bit better.
      But the ‘Orca’ style you see on Trafalgar road has made life more dangerous for Cyclists. They work as long as someone doesn’t block the cycle lane – but they do. So now you have to watch out for traffic and those lumps on the road. I know because I fell off my bike when overtaking an unloading lorry blocking the lane.

      Here you need cyclists totally off the road onto the pavement – with routes to the side and across the middle of the roundabout.

    • I do agree with a2c on one point. Cyclist do have an habit of jumping red lights at traffic lights and pelican crossings. They also do not stop at zebra crossings either.I have been witness to this many many times. Cyclist must obey the rules of the road.

      I am sure the new cycle lane will be very welcomed by cyclist using this very busy road and roundabout.

      However, this particular roundabout is in desperate need of major improvments to make it saver for cyclist, motorist and pedestrians. Most of the street lighting under the flyover has not been working for the best part of a year the same as the street lighting on Pear Tree Way which I believe come under TFL Streets Department rather than Greenwich Council.

    • Pingback: Cycle Highway 4 through Greenwich & Deptford to begin next week | Murky Depths

    • Pingback: Greenwich to Woolwich segregated cycle lane starting soon – but delayed and downgraded? | Murky Depths

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