A big thanks to all site supporters

Hi all just a quick post to thank everyone who supports the site through one off donations (some of the donations were extremely generous) or became Patrons after an appeal over Easter.

There’s a number of ways readers can help. One is to become a regular Patron. I’m now up to 100 partons which is pretty amazing. When I signed up I was reluctant to do so as I thought I’d get about six at best.

I also have a Ko-Fi page where people can donate and have recently set up a Paypal direct payment page which is very easy to use.

Also I owe a massive thanks to Darryl at 853 who inspired me to start this site years ago in my spare time as well as alerted me to how Patreon, Ko-Fi and PayPal donations work. He has a Patreon page here.

Running a site alone takes time and a fair bit of money. Adverts are far from enough to cover it and my living costs as a private renter.

You can support me including via Paypal here

Another option is via Patreon by clicking here

You can also buy me a beer/coffee at Ko-fi here

There's also a Facebook page for the site here

Many thanks

J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    2 thoughts on “A big thanks to all site supporters

    • It’s a pleasure. The blog is always an interesting read, although I wish you hadn’t gone down the crime reporting route.

    • Your more than welcome Murky. Very interesting site full of detailed information. Your one of best,


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