Abbey Wood tower approved on appeal at City Hall
An appeal hearing at City Hall today approved plans to construct a tower on Eynsham Drive in Abbey Wood on the site of PDSA vet surgery.
Greenwich Council initially refused the application for 272 homes and a replacement vets in the development.
The plan was controversial given its height and massing. In addition, despite the developer paying £1.3 million to Greenwich Council through the Community Infrastructure Levy, just £50k was allocated to the adjacent Abbey Wood estate, and even that was a goodwill gesture by the developer as Greenwich Council did not allocated anything.
Will that change? A two tier town is in danger of being created if locals do not share in wealth developments bring in, and frustrations could mount. Hardly good for community cohesion.
Greenwich Council job agency GLLaB once again takes much funding instead – over £400k.
Revised plans after initial refusal see some alterations:
- Increase in residential ground floor frontage, through the introduction of duplex units to southern elevations;
- Amendments to the housing mix to provide; 3 fewer one bed units, 2 additional 3 bed units and the introduction of a 4 bed unit;
- Enhanced boundary treatment with the Thistlebrook Estate to provide a new masonry wall of 2.5 metres;
- Revisions to the landscaping approach at ground floor with amendments to parking area material and finish and additional planting;
- Revisions to the landscaping approach on roofscapes and playspace provision; and
- A reduction in the number of car parking spaces by 10.
Greenwich Council refused a development in Charlton at the same time, and that is also to be decided on appeal at City Hall.
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