Reports that Woman shot in Woolwich tonight

It appears a serious incident has occurred in Woolwich tonight. A woman who recently became a mother appears to have been shot according to reports.

This incident occurred on Mulgrave Road – a short distance from a stabbing on Monday evening at Kingsmans Street.

And in addition to that, there are reports of an assault on Powis Street this afternoon.

Over the border in Lewisham borough the Met Police have initiated a Section 60 notice after a stabbing there yesterday:

Despite the recent increase in violent crime, the murder rate is still below much of the 1990s and 2000s yet is now beginning to rise quickly.

The Met Police have lost thousands of officers in recent years. The Home Office fund around 75% of policing costs and heavy cuts have originated there – much when George Osborne was Chancellor (now editing the Evening Standard and criticising rising crime) and Teresa May was Home Secretary.

1,000 officers are now being hired in London but the burden is falling on council tax payers rather than central government funding – a regressive way to fund services.

The question is will 1,000 new officers stem the tide – as other officers leave due to below inflation wage increases? And with further cuts from central Government planned in coming years, it’s not looking great.

Anyone with information can call 101 to assist.

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Many thanks

J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    One thought on “Reports that Woman shot in Woolwich tonight

    • Along with the NHS and Defence. Policing should be ring fenced from cuts to front line services (Police Officers). As with all Government Departments there are many other areas where cuts can be made if necessary with out affecting front line Police Officers and front line services. .


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