Blackheath Bluecoat school demolition coming soon

Plans have been submitted to demolish buildings on the former site of Blackheath Bluecoats school.

The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) has decided to replace the school with entirely new facilities. Buildings dating from 1911 will go. Most of the site is occupied with redbrick 1970s blocks.

Blackheath Bluecoats closed in 2014 after operating in one form or another since 1700. Since then St Mary Magdalene school have occupied the site before their move to Greenwich Peninsula this September.

It’ll be a vast school with 1,646 pupils and approximately 200 staff including a 26-place nursery, a 420 pupil primary school, 900-place secondary school and 300-place sixth form.

Looking to new school

Once St Mary Magdalene vacate the former Bluecoat site on Old Dover Road the school merry-go-round continues with Leigh Academy Trust planning to demolish buildings and construct a new school to open on site in 2020.

The Leigh Academy is to take its first pupils in September before reaching 1,150 by 2022.

It will initially be based at Victoria House, once the Officers’ mess and living quarters for the Royal Army Medical Corps staff beside Royal Herbert Hospital.

The changes in school provision doesn’t end there. John Roan School is likely to become an Academy which is strongly dividing opinions.

New Woolwich Poly buildings

In addition both Woolwich Poly and Plumstead Manor are to be expanded. Both will accommodate pupils of the other gender though will be taught separately – in Woolwich Poly at least.

Just a few days ago the former Woolwich Poly school site in Woolwich saw plans for 650 homes by Legal and General.

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The Planning Reference is 18/2265/EIA

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Many thanks

J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    3 thoughts on “Blackheath Bluecoat school demolition coming soon

    • Loving your work as always Murky and I do hate to be pedantic but my understanding is that Woolwich Poly is opening a girls school on the same site as the boys school. I don’t think it correct to call the expanded Woolwich poly a ‘mixed-sex’ school. Girls and boys will be educated in single sex classes.

      • Ah yep you’re right I will change that

    • I am really sorry to hijack this post, but I feel like you will know the answer to this – is the Council required to inform local residents, or put notices up, about changes to parking restrictions? My parents came to visit and were caught off guard, it was clearly not intentional … so were the cars in-front and behind, who also received tickets.


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