Abbey Wood tower sees height reduction to 22-storeys – but drab design remains?

Developers behind plans for a 29-storey tower near Abbey Wood station have put in alterations which sees the hotel element dropped and height reduce down to 22-storeys. However, there’s no word on altering the design or choosing a less drab colour scheme.

abbey wood tower from Thamesmead


HUB are the developers with ShedKM the architects. Original plans had 250 flats and a 90-room hotel. This latest plan ditches the hotel and increases flats to 260. Here’s a screengrab showing amended plans:

Tower amendment

There’s elements of the design that are welcome, such as the cross bracing, however too many elements are deeply flawed. The architects bizarrely mentioned they were referencing (very unloved) local industrial buildings in the design, which are now due for demolition. Extensive use of greys on such a prominent tower would leave a lumpen, overbearing block.

abbey wood tower from village 2

The block will be visible for miles around given it’s location in a low-rise area, meaning a dark grey monolith would have even greater impact.


Modest changes in colour palette and articulation could greatly improve the design. Uses of render and brick would improve contrast between the cross bracing.

Below is the lower rise block that was to be a hotel. Using materials other than concrete-like panels here would improve the building and be simple to do without extensive design revisions.

abbey wood smaller block

The planning application reference is 17/2185/EIA

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

One thought on “Abbey Wood tower sees height reduction to 22-storeys – but drab design remains?

  • All these plans for Abbey Wood and South Thamesmead and no progress on any of them! have to wonder if any will actually be built at all!


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