Lewisham agree to build 370 homes in joint partnerships
Lewisham Council have agreed to build 370 homes in joint partnerships with a total of 177 “affordable” homes.
The sites are located in Deptford (Parker House) opposite the Deptford Landings development and Sydenham (Willow Way).
Parker House in Deptford saw agreement more than a decade ago for “Approval to Demolish” according to Lewisham’s latest report. Nothing has happened since to provide any new homes.
According to a council report: “The owners of the adjoining Evelyn Court have been planning to develop their site for housing which has presented an opportunity for officers to consider a partnership whereby the Council contributes land and funding.”
Just 31 out of 150 homes would be social rent. Nearby Deptford Landings has seen 1,132 homes long approved. Progress has been glacial.

Sydenham site
Willow Way in Sydenham was cleared in 2014. Now the council have been talking to the neighbouring landowner “who wishes to purchase the Council’s land to add to their existing holdings at Willow Way.
“The discussions have been for a proposal that would see the Council add its land and funding to a wider masterplan site in exchange for 50% of the new homes being Council owned affordable housing on a 999-year lease”.

It should be noted the “affordable” homes include some shared-ownership. The total social housing element is 74 dwellings.
Lewisham’s Cabinet discussed the move last week
Budget problems
Lewisham Council are currently in the grip of both a homelessness crises and budget problems related to the cost of temporary housing. A total of 3,000 households are in expensive temporary and emergency accommodation.
One “solution” has been to buy existing homes off the market at extremely high cost and offer incentives to private landlords. This however has the by-product of seeing existing private tenants either evicted and/or unable to find a place to live – and in turn becoming homeless. It’s a solution that harms as many as it helps.

Lewisham will be hoping these latest housing projects begin a big sooner than the council’s site at Besson Street in New Cross.
It’s been vacant for more than 15 years as plans have been and gone. That project also includes zero social or council homes despite the ongoing crises in the borough resulting in service cuts.
How can I rent one of these. I’m on the council list but can’t seem to progress using the website. I’m 75yrs old and still working and need help
My thoughts are, that’s great but how do I get one