Thamesmead housing development at Binsey Walk: Work slowly progressing

Construction work on more than 300 homes in Thamesmead at Binsey Walk is slowly progressing.

The site beside Southmere Lake was due to be complete by now but years of delays have seen little movement.

Binsey Walk plans

It’s now more than five years since demolition of former homes begun with residents evicted.

Proposals from Peabody to build on site after demolition got bogged down with little movement.

Binsey Walk being demolished some years ago

Around a year ago some signs of life were seen but again it’s been slow going. Looking at photos taken eight months ago show some examples of site clearance.

Images of this post taken last week show slight changes but work in earnest is still yet to kick off. The original timescale can be seen below. Binsey Walk was renamed as “Southmere Village Phase 2”.

Peabody timeline missed

The view below shows the Lakeside Centre with a café within that would benefit from additional footfall once flats complete.

Like many businesses in the area, slow progress on new homes has hampered income and potential custom.

Cafe beside lake

The Lakeside Centre was renovated by Peabody as the former club was pretty tired. Art studios are also located within and it’s well worth a visit.

The new Binsey Walk includes a number of mid-rise blocks with the tallest located furthest from shops at the former Tavy Bridge as well as the closest station at Abbey Wood.

Tallest block located furthest from many nearby amenities including shops and transport links

A walkway alongside the lake will be constructed with new links beneath the flyover alongside.

Housing will total 329 units, and despite being built by Housing Association Peabody see “affordable” housing levels at 35 per cent, which is similar to nearby private developments.


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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

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