Greenwich development including 26-floor tower and 340 student rooms submitted
An application has been submitted by Fairview Homes for a major development consisting three residential blocks reaching 26 storeys beside the Blackwall and Silvertown tunnel approaches.
As well as 352 residential units the plans see yet another large student block comprising 340 student accommodation units. A self-storage unit is also part of the plan.

The site sits opposite an approved Travelodge hotel tower and is not part of developer Knight Dragon’s masterplan comprising more than 17,000 homes.
The storage unit and student blocks would be closest to the A102.

It looks one of the better proposals seen in the area. Praise be, it’s not solely flat roofs.
Detailing look good too. A public space named Marsh Square is proposed.
Studio 338 club next door will remain and is not prposed to be demolished. One can imagine though that noise complaints will roll in from those who don’t bother to check where they’re moving.
Greenwich developments
Other developments in the peninsula area aside from Knight Dragon include Morden Wharf and the former cruise liner which has seen revised plans. To the south sits Greenwich Millennium Village where the next plot has just commenced.
Transport for London have also recently mooted the idea of building beside the Silvertown tunnel entrance near the old gasholders.

Taken as a whole the peninsula will see more than 20,000 homes – with most yet to be built.
Time to dust off those Greenwich Waterfront Transit plans? Transport for London’s recent consultation on buses in the peninsula even proposed moving the 188 bus route away from Millennium Way beside these prposed new homes as well away from nearby St Mary Magdalene. Perhaps not the best idea.

A recently installed footbridge leads from the site across the A102 to Tunnel Avenue but the public realm there is shockingly bad.
Details of the application can be viewed here.
These plans look good. Over 20,000 homes on the Greenwich Peninsula. This will be another town in its own right. How many of the new homes will be let at affordable rents?
I know some students who plan to move in to rooms in student blocks has say they will provide better accommodation for them compared to rooms in homes of multi occupation
As these blocks are specifically geared towards students.
I agree with John they will need to look at introducing the Greenwich Water Transit rapid bus system again. Or at the very least look at increasing bus services in the area so all developments are well served by public transport. Not all developments have car parking spaces so residents will be more reliant on public transport.
@ CDT I agree. With the amount of new homes planned along with student accommodation and hotels in the area. The area will be huge and will need amenities and infrastructure needs to be improved especially as you say many new developments have limited car parking spaces and they want to encourage more people to walk cycle and use public money more.
A high frequency bus service could operate between Thamesmead-Woolwich-Charlton-Greenwich Peninsula-North Greenwich-Greenwich Town Centre. With out the need for costly guided busways. The buses could be branded for the route with a colour scheme similar to the Superloop routes. But with the route stopping at more bus stops than the Superloop routes to benefit more residents and businesses along the route.
The area is primarily pitched at international students, the Chinese in particular. With the government however pressing forward with restrictions on student visa conditions, and the quantum leaps made by Indian and French universities to poach the lucrative Chinese market from the US and UK, it’s pinning a lot of hope on a market that may start dwindling.