Greenwich Post Office redevelopment set to begin?

Approved plans to demolish the Post Office in Greenwich and rebuild with new homes above a replacement could be a step closer as detailed plans are submitted.

An application was approved in February 2022 for the site on Greenwich High Road close to Greenwich station.

Initial ideas of temporary facilities located on a nearby car park were scrapped.

Car park site

The replacement structure will see nine flats above three commercial units. All housing will be two-bed flats.

The current building is a rather non-descript post-war affair and few tears will be shed at its loss.

Courtesy Google. Current building

The one benefit was ample paving space outside in an area of high footfall and dawdling tourists. Sorry tourists.

TfL had previously mentioned the street furniture presenting obstacles with narrower paving. Greenwich brushed it off. They didn’t seem to grasp TfL were telling them that moving the bin would slightly help at least. They can’t do as much about the postbox.

It’s often amusing seeing them respond to TfL comments on planning applications. They often ignore comments outright or fail to show any real knowledge of the area in question, or get completely the wrong end of the stick.

Anyway, this is a snapshot of materials to be used from the latest planning application.


Looks perfectly fine. Narrower paving and retention of the letterbox however will cause a pinch point on this very busy stretch.

Apart from that, it looks a very good plan.



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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

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