Trafalgar Tavern pub in Greenwich sees new plan for extension
Another application has been submitted to expand the Trafalgar Tavern pub beside the Thames in Greenwich.
Another floor would be added if plans approved.
Plans to use existing upper floors for events were refused in 2021.
Some of those objections were rather silly with complaints from a former Greenwich councillors about parking. If the council’s own parking department are so inept at enforcement that’s not the fault of business.

We also saw a previous Greenwich councillor vote against a pub opening in Blackheath due to possible parking problems.
The vast majority of pub visitors in Greenwich and Blackheath are not driving. And *if* any issues arise, have a department less useless at enforcement.
The latest application at the Trafalgar pub is for a “boutique hotel”.
For almost 20 years various plans have been made for extensions – of which some were approved some time ago.
The application states:
“There is currently consent for the change of use of second and third floors to provide hotel accommodation involving the construction of a mansard roof and minor alterations as per the original 2009 permission, for which works were materially commenced in Listed Building terms, as upheld by a Listed Building Appeal
13/2538/SD in November 2013.
Furthermore, in October 2016, an Appeal was upheld for the renewal of the earlier consent to permit the change of use of the second and third floor as hotel use, as submitted under application ref: 15/0456/F”.
Current plans would “create a more or less full third floor, albeit set back a little, for fine dining restaurant use, with associated servery, bar, kitchen and toilet facilities, and then provide a new fourth floor in a mansard roof, in effect raising the mansard by one level, to provide a 10 suite boutique hotel, within a
similar external envelope as previously approved.”
The pub is operated by Frank Dowling who recently applied to open another pub beside the Thames near the Cutty Sark and riverboat pier, as covered on this site in August 2022 which can be seen here.