Tesco look to open new branch at former Woolwich pub site
Tesco have submitted an application to open a small store at the former Kings Arms pub site near the barracks.
The site was demolished for a new block in recent years.

Tesco want to open an Express branch at the junction of Hillreach and Frances Street.
A new build on site includes 19 flats and developers did state a new pub would be coming, but as in many cases when a developer states that, it rarely happens.

The former pub was a handsome building though it closed some time ago. In the 1970s it suffered a bomb attack from the IRA, The 1974 attack killed two and injured 35.
For many years a nearby building’s roof was held up by timber showing the impact of the bomb.
Odd site?
It seems a bit of an odd site for a Tesco Express. Passing footfall isn’t that high and the Barracks is due to close. Though even then, it’s probably not too much harder to head to sores in Woolwich town centre from parts of the barracks.
It also doesn’t have that many major new developments that close. While the barracks is due to close that’ll likely take many years as it dwindles in size.
Tesco normally go for sites of high footfall or areas with minimal alternatives choices in the near area. This site doesn’t really tick those boxes.
The application can be viewed here.
A Tesco Express store could be successful here there are existing housing around the site including along Frances Street. Do you want to go all the way in Woolwich for a pint of milk,. loaf of bread, packet of cigarettes or to ge kids a packet of sweets when you can get them near to home.
I think a shop will be more convenient for local residents than a pub on this site. A lot of pubs continue to struggle due to the pandemic and cost of living crisis.
@ Graham I agree a Tesco Express Convenience Store will be the best use for this site. The area could do wit a slightly larger and brighter store for local residents.
Like Plumstead High Street the existing businesses on Frances Street are in need of refurbishment and upgrading.
I like the convenience of Tesco Express CO-OP and Sainsbury’s Local Stores on the door step for those items you run out of or forget while doing the larger weekly shop.
Many people also like to shop daily or a few times a week to cut down on wastage and items going out of date. (Sell by date).
I agree I think a Tesco Express would be a better use of this site.. I would also like to see the shops on Frances Street and Hillreach being refurbished with new shop fronts.
I also support a Tesco Express site here for local residents to pick up those last minute items. More people are also shopping daily for what they need to save money and wastage where food goes out of date.
With so many people changing to pre-payment meters during the fuel and cost of living crisis. Convenience stores like Tesco Express etc should also have a pay point till where you can pay bills or top up your meters. With most stores being open from 7 am to 11pm 7 days a week they are convenient for local residents.