Plumstead shop building could double in height under new plan
Plans have been submitted to add two floors onto a building on Swingate Lane in Plumstead.
The applicant is hoping to use permitted rights recently introduced which ensure a full planning application and decision by a local authority is not needed providing basic conditions are met.
The application contains a daylight study, which states in relation to neighbouring buildings:
“The VSC results for the windows within 133-137 Swingate Lane show that there would be a minor adverse impact to the side windows, with one receiving a major adverse impact.
It is not known what types of rooms are behind each of these windows, but as they are smaller side windows it is likely that they serve non-habitable rooms such as bathrooms which would have no reasonable expectation to daylight and could therefore be discounted from the assessment.”.
Perhaps that should be formally checked rather than assume?
It states: “We generally consider a value greater than 0.8 times its former value to have a Negligible impact, between 0.5 and 0.8 to have a minor impact, and a value less than 0.5 to have a major impact.”
Other neighbouring properties are studied:
“The VSC results for the windows within 170-172 Swingate Lane show that all of them would only be negligibly affected by the proposed scheme as their VSC values under the proposed scheme are above 0.8 times their former values. Therefore, these windows also all meet the requirements of the BRE Guide”
“The sunlight results for the southerly facing windows show that all of them would receive only a negligibly impact under the proposed scheme.
Although a couple of the windows sunlight ratios would be below 0.8 times their former values, as they will still receive greater than the minimum target values of 25% annually and 5% in the winter the BRE Guidelines would be satisfied in regard to sunlight.”
Other proposals to raise the height of a building under the new rules include a block of flats in Woolwich:

Click here to view details of the plan.