Homes planned in east Greenwich near Westcombe Park station
If you’ve ever walked over the bridge leading to Westcombe Park station you may have looked down at a scruffy patch of land and wonder why it’s been like that for so long.
Well, that may finally change as plans have been submitted for housing on Westcombe Hill beside the A102.
Plans include eight flats in a four storey block and a two-storey house alongside.

The application’s Design and Access Statement shows little ever being located on site.

This is the site of the old button factory isn’t it?
Ah – the old button factory. Didn’t close that long ago – a few years, rather than a lot
Great- more high pollution death trap living spaces……….
It will be strange to see buildings on that long disused piece of land, even ones so out of keeping with the rest of the road. I grew up on Humber Road, but am too young to remember Westcombe Hill before the coming of the A102M.
Doh, the site is not where I thought it was, but I really can’t identify the location even on google 3D. 🤔
Next to Mayston Mews.
Ah, I found it. Can’t say I have ever noticed that development since I am either on the bus or driving. I used to live in Humber Road and Westcombe Park was my station, but I have no recollection of that area.