Presentation given on housing at Greenwich B&Q and Ikea car park

A Zoom presentation held tonight(25 March) by developer London Square offered an insight into plans for 1,400 homes on Millennium Retail Park. The site includes the car park beside Greenwich Ikea and B&Q, alongside the B&Q site itself.

London Square’s Adam Johnston made it clear this is in early stages. The presentation revealed discussions are ongoing with Sainsbury’s to possibly include that in the scheme. Talks are also ongoing with B&Q about taking on a new smaller commercial unit.

Representatives from London Square mentioned the possibility of a “High Street” along the bus-only road seen below:

Future High Street?

A green shield was highlighted which would face the A102. Some early ideas were shown with a green wall in front of building. This raises the issue of natural light into flats.

In terms of access to Westcombe Park station and nearby shops in Charlton information seemed lacking:

Lack of links to Westcombe Park station and direct route to Charlton shops. My arrow in orange

The red arrows include links to GMV and back streets, but these are hardly likely to be main destinations for many residents or the most direct route to the station. Shops and stations will be.

Current crossing from near Ikea towards Charlton shops

Andy Ford spoke of talking to TfL on public realm, though the majority of streets here are Greenwich Council controlled. That includes Bugsby’s Way and Peartree Way. It’s a little concerning talks with Greenwich were not mentioned when they maintain almost all surrounding roads. TfL of course have a say, but Greenwich would need to push for improvements.

Red = Greenwich Council. Blue = TfL

They highlighted affordable housing at 35 per cent:

In terms of the future use of the 1,000-space car park they will mostly remain and be located mainly below an elevated garden. There’s an aim to reduce car parking in time. This would see car parking spaces repurposed.

Overview of site

There was a question on Ikea’s requirement with 1,000 parking spaces at present shared between shops and cinema. No firm numbers were given on how many Ikea seek to retain. Given their stance on “sustainaibility” this could be an awkward point to them.

Buildings across the site will top out at 20-floors facing the “High Street”:

In terms of parking, there will be no permits for residents. They mentioned controlled parking zones nearby restricting people parking in nearby areas, though this requires Greenwich to enforce – and parking in the area is often still a mess in controlled areas. years after homes have completed at other sites and they seem unable to get on top of it. Another 1,400 homes will not help without additional staff to enforce.

There was mention of heat pumps for energy which is an increasingly common method. at developments.

Further details on the development can be seen here. Further consultations will be held before an application submitted. London Square are looking to submit an application later this year, with a five year construction period.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    3 thoughts on “Presentation given on housing at Greenwich B&Q and Ikea car park

    • Yet another load of 20 story properties to reduce our sunlight and sky. Are we supposed to be thankful they are 30+ stories perhaps? This is endless, are RBG putting their entire Govt requirement for new homes in this locality? Wheres the green play space for adults and kids?, and how do u persuade all these 3,000 or so extra adults they don’t need a car, and persuade Ikea and Odeon (and B&Q) that they are sustainability aware and will happily reduce their demand to zero haha! 1,000 parking spaces is already 1,000 too many, but Ikeas would build a multi story if they could, they are so ‘green’ but convince new residents walking and cycling is all they need, and convince the stores that their turnover will be enough from the new residents?
      Turn the car park into a green space! No construction, no more concrete, no more house pollution, but more sky, fresh air (kind of!) and happier people of Greenwich.

      Could it happen here? Like **** it could.

    • All I can see from this is the rich just get richer. I fancy there’s gonna be absolutely no social housing within this plan. This just looks like a huge money maker while taking advantage of the current climate of businesses being hit hard, most disappearing for ever. It’s all shady. The council would probably hit a waking bit payout from this, only if there price is right, the money they gain would just disappear with no questions or challenges as to where it’s all gone.. As for the car parking, where now entering the electric age where we are now in the ditching the patrols and diesel cars for the electric vehicle’s. Where are all these revolutionary vechiles going to park for visiting the area bringing in more revenue for local businesses in order to recover from this economical collapse? I know what some are going to say, get a bus, get a train… At the rate the prices are going up there is no incentive to use these forms of transport. TFL are not doing there part to make public transport more appealing. One way they could do this, rather then the method they have got now of low traffic neighbourhoods (more like ultra traffic neighbourhood scheme) is to do the fairs. If they done that to a more affordable price then I think many of people would think, you know I might as well ditch the car now for short journeys as its far more affordable and more quicker and efficient to use the bus or train. But there going to get nowhere fast with extortionate pricing for travel.

      • 30,000 more homes in the near vicinity will bring more money to business than cars. Regardless of petrol or electric, congestion is an issue that needs addressing.

        Keeping a huge area of urban London as a massive car park is a waste. How it’s rebuilt is key.

        Tfl have made big mistakes, though fare rises above Inflation are now forced through the recent financial agreement. The DfT are pushing that, as they have with rail.


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