Pressure on QE Woolwich and Lewisham hospitals revealed

Newly released figures show the strain on hospitals as Lewisham & Greenwich NHS Trust sees patients numbers surpass the first peak.

These figures run until 3rd January.

While total numbers in hospital have increased one piece of good news is those on ventilators is less than the first peak as doctors gain a greater understanding of treatment and new drugs become available.

Across London pressure on hospitals remains extremely high with a major incident announced by Sadiq Khan this afternoon as infections rose above 1000 per 100,000 people.

Case numbers in Bexley have been above that level for some time and in Greenwich for over a week – with levels at 1,102. Bexley is at 1221.2 and Lewisham at 1033.9.

There are 125 firefighters assisting with ambulance driving today with a further 60 receiving training next week.

All data available at the corona virus webpage here.

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Many thanks

J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    12 thoughts on “Pressure on QE Woolwich and Lewisham hospitals revealed

      • It is a nonsensical comment and now deleted

      • Sorry, that should have been 244m per-year not 244!

    • Let’s not forget that ICU in a normal year is comprised of differing categories of patient, those who have had surgery, emergency cases, etc. In a normal year ICU and general hospital capacity wouldn’t be taken up by patients with cold / flu illnesses throughout the year either nor on a ongoing basis.

      Some people are just in denial about Covid-19 and its impact on the NHS. The vast number of these people have probably been lucky enough in life not to need the NHS to help them or a family member out…

    • I keep hearing that covid-19 is 99.9% survivable, BUT what people are missing is the impact on hospitals and allied services that covid-19 is having. Operations, investigations and outpatients’ appointments are being delayed or cancelled as staff is at full tilt dealing with the effects of the pandemic. If you are waiting for a cancer diagnosis, the delay could be fatal and the government should be making these facts clear.

      • Covid is survivable IF there are enough beds and carers. Medical staff is reaching their limit of what they can do. Obviously, few people care.

    • Please take the virus very seriously.wear your face covering and adhere to social distancing. Stay at home if you are vulnerable and do not have to travel for work.
      Take pressure of the NHS

      Please keep safe and keep well and if we all adhere to the rules we will get through this.

    • Why are there so many cars on the road? People are clearly not staying home. Walking a short way down Shooters Hill Road today a constant stream. Hardly going shopping. Nearest large food shops are miles away.

      • I know Chris L and that is part of the problem.

        Most vulnerable people can get on line deliveries for shopping, have prescription delivered and can contact the local hub for a volunteer to help them if they are unable to order on line, or by phone and are unable to get out.

        Help is out there so please do not be afraid to ask. We need to help and support each other to get through this terrible pandemic.


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