Greenwich close some car parks as Lambeth entirely close Brockwell Park

Greenwich Council have now closed all car parks alongside parks in the borough.

Lambeth have this evening gone further and announced the closure of Brockwell park as 3,000 people turned up today including people sunbathing and in groups.

Will this action now spread? As I covered yesterday, car numbers seemed to be increasing and more people seen on the streets.

Clearly some people are following guidelines to shop or take exercise, but the more that go beyond that the longer the lockdown will last. The death rate in the UK is now on a steeper path than Italy and Spain at similar stages of relative outbreaks.

The UK not only waited longer to adopt a lockdown than many other nations but has seen it appear to crack after a short period of time.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

4 thoughts on “Greenwich close some car parks as Lambeth entirely close Brockwell Park

  • Those people who went to Brockwell Park were irresponsible. If this sort of behaviour continues, then all parks will have to be closed.

  • Difficult one as many parks are open and can’t be locked. One of Greenwich’s proposed budget savings which was agreed recently was that the parks should not be locked up at night.

  • Agreed anonymous 201486. irresponsible behaviour. The trouble is people constantly igmore advice that is being given on a daily basis to stay at home.

    By ignoring this advice you could be passing on the virus to others although you may not have symptoms of coronavirus.

    Please help to keep yourselves and others safe. We really are all in this together. So please please stay at home !!

    With regards to parks being locked. Dave is right some parks in Greenwich cannnot be locked at the moment. However, in the future gates could be added to these entrances so these parks can also be be locked at night.

    Greenwich Council not locking parks at night as proposed by them as a part of a budget cuts package will clearly just lead to a lot more anti social behaviour for local residents living close to the parks.

    Which will include the parks being used at by drug addicts, alcoholics and youngsters on mopeds etc. Meaning ourselves and children will no longer be able to use the parks has they will become unsafe,

  • When one of these idiots is hospitalised they should be triaged according to their movements on Google Maps. If you’ve been at home and kept isolated you get treated quickly If you’ve been out all over the map you can wait your turn – you should know better.

    If faced with two patients but resources for only one
    a doctor must look how many complications a Covid-19 patient has, and how likely they will recover given the underlying issues. A fit thirty-five year old trumps a sixty-five year-old diabetic with high blood pressure, arthritis and heart or lung problems. The difference is the thirty-five year old spent the lockdown in the park sunbathing or jogging with friends while the senior went out only for food and medicines.

    I see a lot of younger people ignoring anything they’ve been asked or told to do during lockdown but if they succumb to the virus I fear that the scofflaws will be given priority over the ones who did as they were asked.


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