Heavy traffic in Thamesmead and Plumstead as holes again appear in bridge

There is heavy traffic in Plumstead and Thamesmead this morning after sections of the road bridge and elevated junction near Plumstead bus garage saw holes appearing in the road.

This is the third time in just a few months. The last time in November caused disruption for a number of days – and weeks later holes have again appeared.

Courtesy @MartinSE18

The closures impact bus services leaving Stagecoach’s garage which exits onto Pettman Crescent.

Plumstead High Street is slow going as is Western Way and Plumstead Road.



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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    4 thoughts on “Heavy traffic in Thamesmead and Plumstead as holes again appear in bridge

    • It’s causing unnecessary chaos. Wouldn’t it make more sense to resurface this Bridge fully? Than to patch. Driving over this on the weekend and their where huge potholes and loose gravel.

    • It would make sense to completely repair and resurface this bridge over the weekend. I know it is still busy at weekends but you do not have so much of the Monday to Friday peak hour traffic using it. The area is used by a lot of heavy vehicles including buses and lorries.

    • Pull it down and start again I say

    • Useless council in action again


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