Bus driver attacked on Eltham High Street
A bus driver was attacked last night just after 7pm on Eltham High Street by a group of young males according to Police.
They repeatedly pressed an emergency button to stop the bus,and when asked to stop attacked the driver.
If you saw anything contact the police by calling 101.
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how would the driver be attacked behind a screened in area??
Having someone pound something like a hammer or similar on to the screen is an attack. I have seen it and it is incredibly frightening and intimidating just to witness it, let alone be the subject of it.
The incident I saw (years ago) was because the driver would not let a drunk ride for free.
This is a terrible incident. I feel for the driver and hope he or she are okay. Hopefully Police will have the CCTV from the bus and will be able to track the culprits down.
There is no excuse for this type of behaviour which cannot be tolerated on our buses or any other form of public transport.
If incidents like this continue then TFL could withdraw bus services from the area due to the assualts on drivers and vandalism if any damage caused to the bus including drivers protection screen etc.
The passengers that cause the most trouble and vandalism on the buses are often those that travel for free (Secondary aged school children) or passengers entitled to the use the Mayor For London’s half price oyster card scheme were they get reduced oyster card fares and pay 75p instead of £ 1.50 for example if on certain benefits.
This in its self cost TFL a huge amount of money each year to provide. So I would expect these passengers to respect the bus drivers and behave when travelling on the buses. This is a privilage not a right. Which van be withdrawn at any time.