Bexleyheath town centre blocks rising

Photos from building company Coinford show progress made with constructing  518 new flats in Bexleyheath town centre.

Courtesy @Coinford

Most progress so far has been made at blocks facing Cineworld. When complete new builds in that area will appear something like this:

Lidl & Cineworld are to right of this view

Around 500 flats will eventually occupy the former Bexley Council civic centre alongside a number of shops extending the town centre east.

Art deco influence

Plans to pedestrianise roads between Sainsbury’s car park and the site have been scrapped.


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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    2 thoughts on “Bexleyheath town centre blocks rising

    • Communistic monstrous ghetto . they got rid of these crime cradles in east Europe even in Russia! Only countries with this architecture are China Korea and other Asian. One selfish money and fame greedy little man destroyed generations of world famous British cultural heritage as -old historic architecture including influential Victorian style. Is his Tooting family would ever move to these “luxurious” flats? .. Irreversible damage and corruption making few rich is performed front to our eyes. Bexley council spend thousands of our tax money on their few years “research” and “study” to finally establish official planning permission regulations as”no building higher than 8 floors could ever be allowed to be build in Bexleyheath”.(2016 !!!) Next thing-they shake hands on few 13 floors ghetto and shake hand on millions pounds deal… I wonder how many of our counsellors got a new Bentleys..

    • hoorah about time they got on with the plumsteadization of bexleyheath, bexley council has shit on the north of the borough for years with this sort of ugly development, hilarious to see them do it to their beloved bexleyheath for the sake of a few backhanders, They really are morons at bexley council.


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