Revised hotel plans on former Greenwich Magistrates Court site
Revised plans have been submitted for a 300-room hotel in Greenwich near Deptford Bridge DLR station. The scheme will bring Greenwich Council £1,859,925 in Community Infrastructure Levy payments alongside potential Section 106 income.

Previous plans saw the Grade II listed court building refurbished and a tower built next door. These plans see a building more in keeping with former school buildings on site.

The site falls within the Ashburnham Triangle Conservation Area though the former school buildings are not Locally Listed. Fortunately they will be retained.

The application has some great images of the current interior:
With the tower gone there’s adjustments in design across the board.
Pitched roofs are in. These are new plans:
And this is the previous design:
It’s the second former civic building in the area to have development plans published online this week. Greenwich’s former police station has seen plans for demolition and 59 flats were submitted and covered here.
The court closed in 2016 – the same year as the police station.
Click here to view plans.
Looks like a bad quality 80s brick build… 😦 Never thought I’d say it but I think the tower looked better.
I think the new design looks much better. It fits in so much more naturally with the facade to the old magistrates Court.
I think the new design also looks better and more in-keeping of the buildings surround it.
looks like we may finally have a new build in west Greenwich where the architect has made an effort to design the building to be in keeping with the existing street scene and not just put up a square box tower.
Pingback: New Greenwich hotel likely to be approved this week | Murky Depths
So pleased to see that the 2 old school buildings have been saved, and that the rest of the new-build fits in well.