New Cross doctors surgery placed in special measures
A surgery run by Dr Bhupinder Batra in the Waldron Heath centre beside New Cross station has been placed in special measures after being inspected earlier this year.
A Quality and Care Commission report highlighted an absence of “clear systems and processes to keep patients safe” and “ineffective” governance.
The surgery only opened at the start of this decade. It housed a walk-in centre which closed in 2018.
The inspection revealed a number of failings including no “safe system in place for the management of medicines” and it lacked appropriate medicines and equipment for medical emergencies.
The practice was inspected on 20th February. A previous 2015 inspection had rated it as good though issues were raised that have not been addressed. The report states:
“The practice could not demonstrate that they had implemented actions to address the issues we told them they should take at the previous inspection on 22
July 2015. At this inspection we also identified additional concerns that put patients at risk.”
The report did find some good practice, including:
“Staff dealt with patients with kindness and respect and involved them in decisions about their care.
The practice organised and delivered services to meet patients’ needs. Patients could access care and treatment in a timely way.”
The CQC has now ordered the surgery to improve care and treatment provided to patients and establish effective systems and processes to ensure good governance.
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There are various GP surgeries in the Waldron so it would be good to name it more clearly.
What Jack said. This is one surgery in particular – Dr Batra’s – and you should name it otherwise it’s unfair on the other surgeries.
It’s clearly named and linked to