“Hidden” Greenwich housing blocks near completion
So many large developments have gone up around Greenwich that schemes which would have been well known a decade ago now sometimes slip under the radar.
One such development is 125 flats off Greenwich High Road on a site facing Deptford Creek. It’s the latest in a long line of developments along the Creek, though unless on the DLR it’s probably escaped your attention.

It’s says something that a big block could be thought of as “hidden” but so much has risen in recent years. This one is from Fairview Homes, totals 14-storeys in places and located beside the listed Mumford & Co mill on the former site of Booker Cash and Carry.

It’s solid enough in appearance to the point of anonymity. They’ve avoided flat roofs though the roof line does have a hint of tin sheds plonked on top. Having said that, it’s possibly the best Creekside development that has yet risen – and in general the massing and detailing is good.
24 car parking places are on offer for 125 flats. It’s near excellent public transport options though additional DLR stock is still four years off and who knows what’s happening with Southeastern’s future franchise. Bad parking is a problem here (yep, another place) and last week buses had to avoid stopping due to that issue.
Greenwich may have 10 more parking wardens – whether it’s enough with ever more developments like this and new and expanded parking zones remains to be seen.
Developer income
One thing I’ve noticed in Greenwich borough is that Section 106 agreements are not routinely uploaded to the main planning portal application page when agreed – in contrast to many other boroughs. Click here to see the planning page for this development – there’s nothing there since June 2017.
All we have is the draft agreement and the only solid figure is, yep, for GLLaB at £130,130. The total from S106 and CIL will be comfortably more.

Future developments are planned along the Creek including 145 homes coming at Saxon Wharf, which is currently a skip storage site. That plan was approved last month.
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25 parking spots for 125 vehicles, really?! Parking is going to become a rising demand, you’d want to think a smart developer would build underground parking beneath their new buildings, and rent those spaces out monthly, much as they’ve done at the Benham Building in Woolwich Arsenal!
25 sounds plenty. Share car ownership makes more sense.