Formula E Grand Prix coming to Royal Docks

Racing series Formula E announced last week that they plan to hold a race next year in and around the Excel Centre in the Royal Docks. Races will run on July 25 and 26 2020.

The series runs using electric cars and is seen as a green version of Formula 1. Many races on the calendar are held on street tracks in cities and London’s race was previously held at Battersea Park.

Courtesy Formula E

The track will wind its way between Custom House and Prince Regent stations. That’s less than 10 minutes on the DLR from Woolwich Arsenal. If Crossrail is up and running by then it’s less than 10 minutes from Abbey Wood – which opens up a quick and easy interchange from many in Kent (not that Woolwich and the DLR is particularly onerous).

It’s events like this that the DLR (and then Crossrail) make so much easier for many in south east London and Kent.

I remember trudging to the area before the DLR extension to Woolwich Arsenal opened. It’s was pretty tedious and meant travelling in to London then back out. Sometimes its easy to forget how lengthy getting to parts of east London from the south east before the extension opened in 2009.

It’ll be the same for many other parts of London when Crossrail finally opens.


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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

One thought on “Formula E Grand Prix coming to Royal Docks

  • This will be a great two day event. Which will attract thousand of people to the area.

    Thankfully we have the DLR at Woolwich Arsenal and Crossrail at Woolwich and Abbey Wood which would be the best way to travel from South East London and Kent to the Formula E racing at the ExCel Centre (If Crossrail opened by July 2020).

    Unfortunately some of the residents living parts of Greenwich Borough and neighbouring Bexley Borough will still not have a direct bus service to the new Crossrail Stations when they open.


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