Latest Greenwich Parking Department shortfall revealed – £1.2 million this time

Greenwich Council have revealed their latest Parking Department income figures which show another large hole in income.

It’s almost as if sticking up random bollards without effective enforcement isn’t a very good strategy.

Big misses in expected income is an ongoing issue dating back at least five years and now means over £10 million expected has not been received.

A standard scene in Woolwich Town Centre

In 2017/18 the authority budgeted to receive £7,315,990 yet managed £6,121,994.

That leaves a £1.2 million gap. Income received is ring fenced for street improvements and public realm meaning at least £10 million since 2012/13 that hasn’t been spent on fixing potholes, improving pedestrians routes, cycling facilities and run down shopping parades.

As reported on this site before, despite a continual shortfall Greenwich Council have failed to employ sufficient staff to police a widespread problem alongside rising population numbers and many new developments:

Just today Twitter has seen photos of numerous cars parking on paving in Charlton beside roads with double yellow lines:

Little seems to change, and why would it when failure seems to have no consequences? Unless disabled, or a parent, or a pedestrian.

A standard Greenwich Council response is “we can’t be everywhere at all times”.

No one expects that. To be in some places some of the time though would be a start. Not least those areas where the same happens day in, day out.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    6 thoughts on “Latest Greenwich Parking Department shortfall revealed – £1.2 million this time

    • ‘Can’t be everywhere, all the time’?! How about being SOMEWHERE, SOME OF THE TIME?!

    • Why not have an app that allows Joe Public to report the cars parked incorrectly, via smartphone camera video jobby with timestamp and then give the public 50% of any successful fine.

    • They’d be raking it in if they bothered coming over to east Greenwich.

    • Live in McCall Crescent – been complaining about pavement parking here and in the entrance to Flamsteed Road since October 2016. Had a response (October 2017!) via the then councillor regarding re-painting the bays where pavement parking is allowed. It still hasn’t been done. I’ve given up now, because it’s just like banging you head on a brick wall – but I suspect that’s what RBG want ….

    • I have reported that spot pictured above on parry place about 23 times this year.
      No response from Greenwich, I just can’t see how this incompetent parking Dept are allowed to ignore such a mess and danger hazard.

    • And yet new buildings are approved without any provisions for underground parking because developers don’t want to pay. This stresses the existing traffic and parking infrastructure. The notion that people will use public transportation is pie in the sky. The council should use less yellow paint and provide more metered on road parking. Cities in other countries are much more inventive than London. Toronto for example is a model planned city and gives developers air rights with additional density if they allow the ground level to be developed as public pay parking. Woolwich is stuck in the 1970 with respect to planning. But they are extremely concientious when it comes to requiring so called sustainable strips of wood on the building facades.


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