New 300-room Travelodge hotel planned for Greenwich
It’s turning into an avalanche of new plans for Greenwich Peninsula. Another week and another big new development is proposed and this time its a 300-room hotel in a 14-storey block on Boord Street.
There will be 61 car parking spaces. Only the hotel manager gets a place with all staff expected to walk or use public transport.
It’s a pretty unwelcoming environment. The Blackwall Tunnel approach is to one side with numerous industrial sites the other.
The initial plan was 20-storeys and looked like this:
For some reason this was reduced to 15 and appears stumpier as a result. It’s not a conservation area so why limit heights in an area like this?
It can’t be for pollution reasons. You’ll get that whether at the 15th or 20th floor.
The public realm is very poor between the site and north Greenwich tube station. Lots of the usual clutter and guardrail installed at high cost that serves little purpose. This is the junction of Boord Street.

Hotels bring in more Community Infrastructure Levy funding than housing. At this site it’s £100 per square metre verses £70 for residential developments.
Given the substantial size of this block CIL income will probably be at least £1 million and there’ll probably be substantial Section 106 income as well.
Given this large income, we once again see that there is ample scope to improve the local area.
I’ve previously looked at how Section 106 income has NOT benefited the local area.
The site is also close to the gasholder that currently has an application to demolish. The application states that demolition would be needed to proceed. It doesn’t consider the option of cleaning up the gasholder whilst allowing it to be retained and used for alternative purposes as seen across the world.
The planning reference is 18/0452/F
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Would be nice if they could keep the old gas holder , not many of these old London sights left . Of course would have to be used for another purpose ,but many buildings have just kept the front facade , could they do this for Greenwich gas holder ,even a hotel ???
Is it fronting onto Millennium Way or Blackwall Lane?? Confused. The Blackwall Lane end of the site was St. Michael’s Church, with the school playing fields behind – I wonder if the church site was sold with any conditions?? Before the motorway there was also a cricket field there. And what do the Horniman people think about being overshadowed like that? A lot of the sites there could well be used for amenity because they are very central – and so much promised non-housing use has disappeared between the consent and the final buildings. Couple of things – do you know what has happened to the site by the motorway which the Planning Inspectorate gave consent for as a hotel??? I am not aware of a hotel being opened there – just a lot of sheeting.
And also – guard rails on Millennium Way almost certainly were erected by NME not the Council.
and we keep on, despondently, with the gasholder. They are telling people it will be down by the end of the year. They have to keep security on the site as there is other equipment there still in use – so its just demolish and leave, no other use.
Another site that’s a shocker on foot that one would expect to see attention from millions of pounds this development will produce.
But we know from MANY other examples in the area that high quality streets for pedestrian usage is not just an afterthought for Greenwich Council but apparently of no thought or interest whatsoever.
The poor tourists will have a dire first impression of the town and borough as well as London.
Some third world nations have better streets than most of the Peninsula. Certainly the poorer eastern European states usually do. And Ive lived in a couple!
I had a letter from Greenwich Council saying the application to have the gas holder demolished has been refused. That was a couple of weeks ago!
Up the Creek – it is more complicated than that. The Department of the Environment has refused it permission for listing – which means there is no restraint on demolition. Southern Gas Networks then put in an application to the Council saying they intended to demolish but the Council needed to give permission for the demolition method. The Council said ‘no’ to what was proposed – and, I guess, took legal advice. Clearly what happens next will be based on that advice but we think other Boroughs have come up against the same process and their gasholders have gone. We can only wait and see – or lobby Southern Gas Networks.
The problem with Hotel buildings is they are always ugly.
This is no different.
It will hide the gas holder thankfully.
Another building to add to my demolition wish list.
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