Littering fines across Greenwich borough see large drop

Last week a report was released covering numerous areas of life in Greenwich borough. Lots of information was contained within, and some surprising things pop up.

One thing that stands out is a big fall in the amount of fixed penalty notices issued for littering. Greenwich Council state this is due to wardens being spread over a wider area.

The low figure for Q1 2017 is also eye-opening. If that plays out for the rest of the year then it will total 264 fines – way below any other year dating back to 2010/11.

We know from previous data that fines for flytipping are also low in Greenwich borough compared to other authorities in London.

Click here to see the report which also covers health, education and various other issues in the borough.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

5 thoughts on “Littering fines across Greenwich borough see large drop

  • Very odd to see such large drops – possibly up to 80 per cent this year v two years ago. Plumstead and Abbey Wood havnt seen much improvement. Maybe they should try fining more there. Banners on streets mean little without enforcement.

    Bad Parking also without much in the way of deterrant.

  • Just pick it up because we already pay for rubbish collection by way of the council tax. The councils only have themselves to blame for flytipping as they moved from a ‘free’ service to monetisation.

  • Anonymous what you are supporting is the bad example that the good community should not follow. You are just making an excuse that even have not grounds,
    We pay council tax for various services which includes waste collection (bins).
    For waste managements of bulk items there is a specific guidelines and if the council charge for it, this is very common across most of boroughs and I think it makes sense given the service provided.(the charge of course doesn’t cover all costs the council is sustaining for collecting and disposing your old tv, sofa ,or wardrobe, hence definetely council tax money are used also to subsidiase such services). Alternatively you can load the stuff in your car and take it to the waste management site for free.

    So to make it short you should comply with common sense and council wast management policy. Dumping stuff in the street /pavement is deprecable and hopefully the council will be tougher with those doing that.

    • I am not saying that flytipping is right, it is not. Councils didn’t used to charge for taking away bulky items and the minute they started doing so, is when the flytipping problem became acute. Not everybody has a car and if you live in, say, Blackheath, your nearest council disposal centre is Thamesmead. Further, Greenwich Council has moved the small electricals collection point that used to be on the Charlton Road. I don’t understand why discarded items are allowed to litter the streets as it’s not as if the flytipper is going to have a change of heart and pick it up and if you complain, the council will come and take it away so why leave it to fester and attract vermin?

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