Charlton school to expand from 600 to 950 pupils

The Royal Greenwich Trust school in Charlton have submitted plans to expand to 950 pupils. The plans will see new buildings constructed incorporating “a 4 Court Sports Hall, a Lecture Theatre/Hall, classrooms, education facilities, parking, cycle parking, substation, landscaping and associated works”.

The school had an intake of 14-19 year-olds and is expanding to an age range of 11-19.

The school is part of an Academy Trust called the University Schools Trust
East London. Greenwich Council is funding the scheme. Under the academy system taxpayers fund but have little say over how it is run.

Charlton Masterplan

The school is located on Woolwich Road near the Thames Barrier. At least 7,500 more home are planned in the area under the Charlton Riverside masterplan. When other sites in Charlton are considered, such as hundreds of homes at Victoria Way, the total number of homes coming is closer to 8,500. All very much needed with the severe housing shortage.

Victoria Way plans in Charlton outside masterplan area

With the housing need in London becoming ever more severe as population pushes towards 10 million, it’s a shame this scheme does not plan for any housing above. It also does little to alleviate the blank frontage on a large section of Woolwich Road.

The planning reference is 17/2594/F

Other schools are under construction in the area. The planned 1600-pupil St Mary Magdalene school is well underway after a few hiccups. It’s located a mile or so west at the southern end of Greenwich Peninsula.

April 2018 update: Monitoring equipment at the site has shown very high levels of pollution.


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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

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