New DLR train introduction delayed

New trains due to enter service on the Docklands Light Railway will now not be introduced before April 2024.

A total of 22 new trains for the Docklands Light Railway out of an order for 54 have now been completed with TfL stating:

“We encountered some challenges during integration testing works towards the end of 2023 which we are currently investigating.

“This has had an impact on delivery dates. We now expect the new trains to begin entering passenger service in Quarter 1 2024/25.”

Interior of new stock. Courtesy CAF/TfL

A report before Transport for London’s Programmes and Investment Committee to be held next week states that a train slid beyond a stopping point which is being investigated.

That follows previously known issues with the contractor of new sidings in Beckton going under. Despite the need to procure another, that is not believed to be an issue with introducing the first new stock.

Buckingham Group were due to complete work on Beckton’s depot northern sidings. A new contractor has now been appointed.

DLR stock due for withdrawal

When trains are in service they will be fully walk-through and include air conditioning.

All trains are due to enter service by summer 2026/27. CAF are constructing stock in Spain.

Existing stock from the 1990s will be scrapped. They’re really looking tired inside now with internal upkeep appearing to be limited.

Tired inside with seats threadbare

Thirty three of the oldest trains dating from the early 1990s will be withdrawn, with new trains offering a net increase in stock providing increased frequencies in coming years.

Coupled with internal changes such as walk-through carriages and the removal of transverse seating, capacity will be substantially increased.


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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

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