Supermarket seek to open at Woolwich’s former Co-Operative HQ

A plan has been submitted to open a branch of Turkish Food Centre in a long-disused unit at the former Royal Arsenal Cooperative Society building in Woolwich.

TFC operative 14 branches of their supermarket across London including a branch in Welling, Lewisham and Catford.

Another unit in the building

The building – known as Central Stores – is listed and was vacant for some time until Travelodge moved in to much of the site. Greenwich Council previously had offices and a service centre on site.

Planned frontage

Since Travelodge moved in, owners of the commercial units have struggled to find occupants for all units.

This supermarket plan should bring a bit more life to this end of Woolwich. Other shops nearby are boarded up after being purchased by a developer who proposed to flatten the site and build this:

Mortgramit Square tower

Yeah…it’s not good.

It meant this end of Woolwich town centre – which has long struggled – is even quieter.

Vacant units. Occupants evicted

Click here to view plans.




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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    6 thoughts on “Supermarket seek to open at Woolwich’s former Co-Operative HQ

    • The TFC store in Lewisham was where the nearly finished hotel is now. I am sure the TFC in Woolwich will be a success because the Lewisham branch was very popular.

    • It will good to see this empty comercial unit brought back in to use. I think the TFC Supermarket will be a huge success as the other TFC stores are very popular. This is good news for Powis Street and Woolwich.

    • Excellent news for Woolwich. I wish TFC evey success .

    • I hope the TFC store gets planning permission greanted. I too think the store will be a great success and well used by local residents. I also think the Town Centre could do with an Aldi Store too as most local residents are on set budgets and need to shop around to get the best buys.

    • There is already a Lidl’s on MacBean Street, Woolwich. Not sure there is room for an Aldi’s too even with a suitable site.

    • Is there any update on the planning application for the new supermarket on this site. Planning applications in Greenwich take so long with sites left empty and unused for years with many buildings in a state of disrepair and often in dangerous conditions.


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