The changing face of Canning Town
Not been Canning Town recently? The scale of change may take you by surprise.
There’s a large number of new housing development in the area including the vast Brunel Street Works:
This giant block will see 975 homes on a rectangular plot near Canning Town station and is due to complete is 2021. Silvertown Tunnel’s northern portal will be quite close to the southern edge of this development.
Crossrail opening next year is essential to prevent severe overcrowding on the Jubilee Line. Mayor Sadiq Khan scrapped plans for extra trains on the Jubilee Line two years before approving the Silvertown road tunnel.
South of Brunel is Goodluck Hope with 804 flats. The first should complete this year.
To the west is Orchard Wharf which is due from completion in 2021 and comprise 338 flats.
Here’s the finished article:
It’s these developments, and those line them, that could ensure Crossrail relief for both the DLR and Jubilee line is short lived in east and south east London.
Work on the areas next large development of 804 homes at Manor Road in Canning Town will begin this summer.
What will it take for someone to finally pay to bury power lines in the area?
Running a site alone takes time and a fair bit of money. Adverts are far from enough to cover it and my living costs as a private renter.
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The Canning Town area as changed beyond all recongnition. I could not believe the amount of new developments in the area. The London skyline as changed so much over the last couple of years. I wondet what London’s population will be at the next census.
New developments are blighting all corners of London. I went to the Thames Barrier Park last year and the view from Pontoon Dock station is blocked by all the new buildings.
You won’t have to wonder as the census information is not a secret.
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