Two buses crash and Plumstead High Street closed

Plumstead High Street is currently closed due to a collision.

According to TfL, two buses have been involved in an accident.

The road is closed from the station to the White Hart Road junction with the High Street and Lakedale Road. All buses are diverted.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    4 thoughts on “Two buses crash and Plumstead High Street closed

    • Only other day I went to Plumstead and saw some foolish person park on the zebra crossing by the pharmacy, just at the junction of Lakedale Road. The lunatics who double and triple park along the stretch from the station down to Maxey Road have such a lunatic mentality that the buses don’t stop so much as play chicken. I do not await any response from the Council on this matter save the introduction of lifesaving railings

    • The parking a long here by Plumstead Station is a on going issue with double and triple parking and as been raised with Greenwich Council time and time again, But true to form Greenwich Council have done nothing.about it.

      The Parking Enforcement Company Contracted by Greenwich Council to carry out parking enforcement around the Borough have lost thousands upon thousands of pounds from uncollected parking revenue. Parking Enforcement Officers tend to ignore this area around Plumstead Station particular which does have major parking problems.

      So much so that bus drivers signed a petitioned and were going to stop using the bus stops here due to it be dangerous for them to do so.

      Health and safety and road safety must be a priority for Greenwich Council at all times. .

    • Totally Agree with Charles & Graham.

      Too dangerous for larger vehicles such as buses by the the awful sight of double or triple parking along that stretch of road By the station and the bus lane. It’s a regular occurrence.

      Parking in the Borough is ludicrous, no strong leadership, or direction. Who awards contracts with no means of revenue.

      A borough wide strategy to combat illegal parking, obstruction and abandoned untaxed vehicles must happen, if you managed this process rigorously in the first place you wouldn’t have half the problems you see on the roads daily. A stronger presence is needed. If any other London Borough can do it why can’t Greenwich? Most of these councils contract out their parking services and receive significant revenues by well-established parking enforcement companies such as Apoca or NCP to fund much needed investment for public safety, Public Realm upgrades and other traffic measures.

    • Tourists don’t go to these areas, so only the ‘undeserving locals’ are being inconvenienced. Go the posher parts of the borough and it’s a very different story. The parking wardens are just waiting to pounce.


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