Virus hits QE Hospital in Woolwich
Norovirus has hit three wards in QE Hospital in Woolwich, with the hospital trust asking people not to visit QE Woolwich or Lewisham hospitals if feeling ill stating:
“We are committed to reducing the risk of infection at our Trust and keeping our patients safe. Please do not visit either of our hospitals for at least 48 hours if you have symptoms of diarrhoea and/or vomiting, ensuring you limit cross-infection by washing your hands frequently.
You can help us by:
- Staying home if you have a cold, infection or diarrhoea and vomiting, and only visit when you have been symptom free for 48 hours
- Washing your hands with soap and water before and after visiting patients in ward areas”

QE Hospital in Woolwich recently adopted emergency measures after the most severe warning level was triggered as the hospital ran short of beds.
People sneezing into their hands or covering only part of the mouth when coughing: then grabbing the pole on the bus or tube.
Particulate matter from the endless tailbacks along the A102, or the 600 chemical additives in cigarettes. Chemicals added to foods or clothes (jeans are sprayed with formaldehyde to stop going mouldy on their sea voyage from Bangladesh) to say nothing of the idiots who like to manhandle croissants at the bakery counter. Lack of meaningful exercise and heavily processed meals replacing home cooking. Lots of things we do give rise to the perpetual cycles of illness.
It takes an outbreak of stupid to infect a hospital.