Greenwich Council finally agree to adopt CCTV against traffic problems

Greenwich Council are finally signing off CCTV use against traffic violations 18 months after the council’s Cabinet first agreed and 15 years after London Councils were given the power.

Back in 2017 when the Cabinet agreed to their use, Greenwich Council were just one of three authorities across London not to have adopted cameras to enforce against driving in bus lanes, parking on keep clear markings outside schools, driving through no entry signs, entering pedestrian zones and making prohibited turns.

Cars parked on pedestrianised Beresford Square as multi-million scheme concluded

The solution to many traffic problems has previously been extensive use of street furniture installed at high cost.

Numerous bollards then installed to prevent vehicles

Even at notorious areas such as the stretch between Plumstead station and Woolwich – which saw TfL spend £1.2 million on an upgrade – enforcement has been weak, with just one ticket issued on average per day over recent months despite promises of “robust enforcement”.

Out of 32 London councils plus TfL and the City of London just three have never adopted the use of cameras. They are Greenwich, Bromley and Kensington and Chelsea councils.

Greenwich’s failure to utilise powers has contributed to a £12 million income shortfall since 2012 as well as numerous complaints and threats from bus drivers to stop calling at stops in parts of the borough.

So, better late than never?

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

11 thoughts on “Greenwich Council finally agree to adopt CCTV against traffic problems

  • Cameras in Woolwich New Road should raise a lot money from people who ignore the bus lane signage.

  • Well overdue. It’s a start but doesn’t go far enough. Far too long this boroughs endured poor management. It’s about time this administration becomes more radical but unfortunate I can’t see this ever happening. More must be done to minimise traffic related issues and generate additional income for the council. Funds could easily be generated for investment in our poorly maintained roads, pavements, trees and foremost our public realm.
    Maybe, just maybe this should play a massive part at next local election.
    For too long this boroughs been miss-managed by this tired administration which as run this borough for 47 years.

    It’s time for a fresh new out look.

  • They would make an absolute fortune on the Blackwall Lane / Woolwich Road junction during the commute…. the standard of driving is absolutely shocking there.

  • Yep to the Blackwall Lane junction. Loads of people nipping up the bus lane/left turn lane to then unlawfully turn right onto Woolwich Road, causing real problems at the top.

    Also, a camera please at Charlton Post office for the bus lane there where people are constantly using it to avoid the width restrictions. A bloke in a white van nearly hit me as he whizzed through yesterday.

    You will get serious wedge for minimal outlay at these two places.

  • Finally! The amount of people stopping outside schools is nuts. This would include mobile CCTV too?

    If other boroughs are a guide poor driving could raise at least £1million a year once start up costs are out the way. That and more wardens should plug the gap in the parking budget and permit more income to improve the borough.

    Why it’s taken since 2004 though…

    So much wasted income and chances for a better borough – and many who did nothing for so long still in senior roles.

  • Some traffic enforcement via cameras should help the worst areas in the borough but please Greenwich don’t become camera fine obsessed like some London boroughs.
    Greenwich borough is actually one of the nicer areas to drive and be driven around in London!

  • Try the Blackwall Lane/Woolwich Road Junction from 0730 – 0930!!

    • The entire Blackwall run is indeed a ludicrous exercise. The Woolwich Road/ Blackwall Lane shenanigans are no fun at all: tunnel-bound traffic is held up by both lanes being used for Greenwich traffic. This in turn is often at the mercy of Tesco/Iceland/Sainsbury’s delivery trucks, as well as the generally shoddy drivers who come barrelling along from Maze Hill. Hopefully the revenue will pay for some clearer signposting.

  • This feels like a no brainer. Almost all the blackwall tunnel approach joining / leaving traffic is presumably pass through rather than Borough residents, so you can fine them to bits and barely lose any votes.

  • Well having CCTV enforcement is a start, but whatever money is raised from fines will simply disappear into council coffers never to be seen again.

  • Finally if CCTV used correctly for parking offences. We might start to see an improvement to some of the major parking issues raised on this site and in many other areas around schools on zig zags at zebra and pelican crossing, bus lanes etc.


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