Cineworld o2 cinema to be London’s largest when expansion completes next month

The Cineworld at o2 is to open additional screens next month as an upgrade project completes to become London’s largest cinema.

Eight new screens will be on offer from Friday 12th April taking the total to 19. New additions include private screening rooms with dining options and a “4D experience” which appears to be smoke and water blowing out at the viewer.

Anyone who experienced the 4D attractions at Thorpe Park, Chessington and the like knows the score. Seats move too.

Under construction

Entertainment options on the Peninsula will expand further in 2019 when a new music venue named Magazine opens this summer and the Design District and market completes.

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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

3 thoughts on “Cineworld o2 cinema to be London’s largest when expansion completes next month

  • Sensory immersion sounds intriguing though if its for another Michael Bay film it would only make things worse. Still, good to see something new being tried

  • The new screens at Cineworld will be a great attraction for people to visit and experience the new 4D features over the Easter Holidays. Once the new Magazine Music Venue opens later this summer. Will hopefully also boost the local economy and businesses in and around the 02 Arena.

  • Surely Cineworld should aim to show a better selection of films, similar to the west India quay Cineworld and smaller art house cinemas as there is usually just a disappointing selection of tripe being shown


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