Travelodge tower in Greenwich rejected

Here’s one I’ve been meaning to post for a while. At a planning meeting on 6th November Greenwich Council’s Planning Board rejected a Travelodge hotel tower near the Blackwall Tunnel approach.

The decision went against Officer’s recommendation of approval. Reasons given were “poor quality design fails to incorporate the highest standards
of architecture required to justify a tall building in this prominent location and to ensure development makes a positive relationship between the proposed and existing urban context”.

The latter reason is a bit odd. The development will give hundreds of thousands of pounds to Greenwich Council yet they decided to allocate the vast bulk to their job agency GLLaB (£263,800) versus just £50k for the street the building was facing, and just £10k improving public realm between the site and North Greenwich station.

Complaining that it doesn’t make “a positive relationship between the proposed and existing urban context” when they’ve decided not to spend money on doing so may be tricky to uphold at appeal.




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J Smith

I've lived in south east London most of my life growing up in Greenwich borough and working in the area for many years. The site has contributors on occasion and we cover many different topics. Living and working in the area offers an insight into what is happening locally.

    3 thoughts on “Travelodge tower in Greenwich rejected

    • Weird. The main image shows a far better street level appearance than the dump currently there that RBG have allowed to fester.

      Travelodge are giving money to the council who could then use it to improve the wider area but RBG are not (AGAIN!) but that’s not the applicants fault.

      The new planning board mean well but should be aiming their focus internally and asking why so much income is being sent to GLLaB and not local areas – you can’t reject an external application due to internal issues surely?

    • It’s a horrible location with polluting traffic roaring past day and night. It’s also too far from North Greenwich and only the 108 goes past the site.

      Incidentally, I wonder what the long term plans are for the boarded up Dreadnought School. I remember going there for a sport that my school seemed unable to provide.

    • Pingback: New Greenwich Travelodge to be approved second time around? | Murky Depths

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